As the focus is on the quality and durability at its best, while functionality is equally considered.
We Established in 2015, Ozone Modular started with Modular Kitchens. Over the
years, Ozone Modular gained popularity and Started Modular Wardrobe, Bed, Side
Table, T.V.Unit, Home Furniture, Furnishing & Decor, Lightings, Home Improvement
Services & Much More.
We believes Home Interiors is an art and like every other art form, needs an ideal
ambience, a beautiful Interiors with all the feasible facilities to make it, an effortless
and pleasant experience.
Ozone Modular is committed to create new Experiences, Ambitions, Ethos and Way
of life. Innovation is at the heart of our Company. Persistent focus on customer’s
choice to be better helps the brand in creating the one of the most innovative
products for consumers.
Ozone Modular's Business model is regarded as a magnitude of Vertical integration
compared to other models developed by competition. It covers all phases of the
process: designing, manufacturing, logistics, installation etc.
Significance of this practice is the ability to adapt the offer to customer desires in the
shortest time possible. Ozone Modular constantly measuring the customers´
preferences, desires and requirements & We believes that the Trust of people is